About Us

Hello gorgeous… welcome to the wonderful world of Secure Natural

All business should be ethical and all trade should be fair. Individual companies should not stand out simply by not being damaging or unfair. No company should be trading from an unethical position and society has a right to expect as the norm fairness and resource stewardship from the companies that supply them.

All companies need a vision. Although we didn’t really understand it, the Secure Natural by LoadSuccessfounders did have a vision. We believed you wanted effective products. Natural (although who knew exactly what that meant), fresh (and by that we were throwing shade at our competitors who were selling sterile, stale chemical concoctions that were three years old), and we didn’t want to spend more money on the packaging than on the contents. So, above all, we believed you wanted good value products, not cheap, but loads of hair and body goodness for your money.

Hindsight is great and it’s only looking back now that we realise our vision was just a dissatisfied reaction to our competitors’ products: a wish for something more wholesome and more in tune with the flowers and the bees than air-conditioned skyscrapers and a morning that starts with a pumpkin spice latte.

When faced with life’s challenges, we often discover that while we may want a lot of things, what we need is very simple. We thought that while our products weren’t everything you, the customer, wanted – age-reducing, silicone, shiny, botoxy sort of stuff – we can now see that what we make is all you need.

So, where are we now? Let’s reassess.

Natural – have we got there yet? No, but we’re not far off. In the financial year of 2017 to 2018, natural ingredients represented 65% of our global raw material spend compared to 35% spent on safe synthetic materials. When I first sold my products with Liz Weir in 1977, I used to get told off for them being too natural, yet they were miles off from where they are today…


How many of you have unused products sitting in your bathrooms? Because when you got home you found that product isn’t what you hoped for, or it doesn’t suit your skin, hair or lifestyle. You end up with bathroom cabinets, window sills and shelves full of unwanted stuff, on its way to landfill. When we make products for every need, everyone is able to buy exactly what’s required and ultimately reduce waste.

Providing personal service is the best environmental practice. If we can get you connected to the appropriate product for your needs, you get really good value for money, we get a regular customer, the consumption of unneeded product falls and money is no longer wasted. When you think about the product people really want, they want products to be made from rainbows, unicorns and waterfalls and we’ve got it!

Our raw materials are the best they can be. As just one example, we’re using salt in our products with genuine benefits, and we’re sourcing it from the flight paths of birds. One of our suppliers, Antonio, both harvests our saltworks and works to protect and sustain the salt marshes of the western Algarve in Portugal. Birds including greater flamingos, spoonbills, black-winged stilts and many species of ducks use the salt marshes as wintering grounds while whimbrels and curlews rely on the site as a resting place on their migratory journeys.

Preserving this beautiful and important coastline is essential to the wildlife flourishing here and the generations of salt shepherds to come, so we’re protecting those birds and the salt shepherds. Just in the UK alone, 67% of our supply chain is from direct relationships with manufacturers and growers like Antonio. Now if that isn’t unicorns, rainbows and waterfalls then I don’t know what is.

Our Values

All business should be ethical and all trade should be fair. Individual companies should not stand out simply by not being damaging or unfair. No company should be trading from an unethical position and society has a right to expect as the norm fairness and resource stewardship from the companies that supply them.

Our Impact Reports

When a customer holds a Secure Natural by LoadSuccessproduct in their hands, they are holding so much more that just that product. They are holding a complex web of relationships, of flows of materials, creativity, human labour, movement, life that had all to be arranged in a particular way, organised (although sometimes chaordically) so that that product could be in their hands.

From the Secure Natural by LoadSuccessLabs all the way into the hands of the #Secure NaturalCommunity, we invent every product, source every raw material carefully, make them fresh by hand in one of our local factories around the world, transport it to the shops or our digital fulfilment warehouses, reach out to our customers through the staff in our shops, the articles on our website, the videos on you tube, give platform to causes through our campaigns and support amazing groups through our giving programmes.

Every movement we make in this journey is an opportunity to Leave the World Secure Naturaler than we Found it.

In this section, we share how we are making an impact in the world, sometimes a footprint, other times a handprint*, as we learn what a regenerative business could look like.

Our Giving

So much has happened since Charity Pot was launched in 2007. Our giving has become more diverse and has evolved to support amazing initiatives as they try to respond to the ever increasing complexities of human impact in the world. It is through our giving and campaigning that we can resource and give platform to those likeminded partners doing work on the ground to move the dial on the issues we care about as a business.

We have five main streams to our giving. Discover who we have funded, how much we give way and more details about how each one of those categories is supporting change in the world.

“When asked if I am pessimistic or optimistic about the future, my answer is always the same:

If you look at the science about what is happening on earth and aren’t pessimistic, you don’t understand data. But if you meet the people who are working to restore this earth and the lives of the poor, and you aren’t optimistic, you haven’t got a pulse.”